Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 6

So, tonight I'm not going to post the usual devotional.
Today is Youth Group night. I direct the youth programs at my church, and Wednesday night is when all the classes meet.

The Primary Youth Group meets first. I love those little ones. They are so open and trusting. I thank God for the responsibility and privilege to teach them about God. So anyway, we started the conversation, I'm not sure how, about the movie 2012. (Which by the way, I have not seen. I really wanted to when it first came out, then I lost interest. I probably will, eventually.) Oh, I remember how we started on that subject. I asked the students (all in elementary school) if they were excited about a new year - 2010? Some of them actually said no. They went on to explain that some of their friends were saying that they are not excited about a new year because the world is going to end in 2012. And so, I took that opportunity to jump right in and clear all sillyness up for them. :)

I love conversations like this. If any of my readers want to challenge or ask me some hard questions about my faith, I (honestly) welcome the conversation. I'm not looking for an arguement, I just like to talk with people who have a different opinion than me. So please, feel free.

So anyways, back to the babies...
I explained to them about what the Bible has to say about the end of the world as we know it. Ready? Here it goes:

In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus talks about the last days of the world.
But more specifically, Matthew 24: 36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father".
Because of this, we can not say that the world will fall apart in the year 2012. No matter the prediction. Yes, there have been many prophesies that have come true, but this one can NOT be determined.

More importantly, for Christians - people who believe that Jesus is the Son of God and we have life through Him - this does not matter. Let me explain. The Bible teaches that when Jesus comes again, His believers will be caught up in the sky with Him and go to Heaven. After this, the Earth will be in turmoil. So that is why Christians (if you know any), want you to believe in Jesus. Yes, partially for your "get out of dodge free card". Please understand that is NOT the only benefit of having a personal relationship with Christ. More information on that later.

So, of my more energenic and talkative students shouts out, "But Ms. Nicole! Sometimes I'm bad and what if I'm bad when Jesus comes again"!
How powerful! I thanked her so much for asking the question!

So, I directed her to John 3:16. Another heavily quoted verse. But when you take the time to read it and think about what it says - or rather doesn't say, it's amazing.

John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".

It says, those who believe in Jesus and ask Him to be Lord over their life receive life forever. What it does not say is that we must be "good" or "perfect" in order to receive such a wonderful blessing. See, the point is that there is NOTHING we can do on our own to make God love us. We can't give enough to the poor, we can't love and care for our aging parents enough, we can't shovel our neighbor's driveway for them into Heaven. It doesn't work like that. When we accept Jesus, the first thing He does is give us HIS righteousness. We did not earn it or deserve it. He died and rose again in order to do this for us. Anyone who loves Him. It's really so simple. And this is why I praise Him!

Now for my little friend, I explained to her that if she is telling a lie when Jesus comes back again, she will go to Heaven. BUT...she will also have to answer to Jesus for her actions. We are still held accountable for what we do and do not confess - to Him by the way, no one else.

The Bible speaks Truth. Look it up for yourself. See what God is so desperately trying to say to each one of us. And don't be scared of 2012. Have peace and know that He is God and He is in control!! Which may open another can of worms...

And by the way: I am not a good speller, so I keep a word document open so I can spell check any words I'm concerned about. HA!!

Spread the word,
Nicole M.

1 comment:

  1. Wow it is amazing how kids can pick up stuff on T.V. Not excited about another year living and well. Makes me think twice about my daughter watching TV without me.
