Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10

John 10: 10 (NIV) I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

John 10: 10 (NKJV) I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

What does abundant mean? Definition of abundance = More than sufficient; over and above; above the ordinary measure; exceeding abundantly; over above beyond; more than enough; beyond measure.

So we ask the question: What is abundant in your life? Do you have an abundance of peace or negativity? Think about what your life is full of. If your life is full of satisfaction, then you probably do not need to read this. But if your life is full of uncertainty, confusion, old baggage of emotions, then you are probably looking for a change. In the world today, we have this idea that we can make ourselves happy. On our own there are things we can do to be fulfilled. Don’t get me wrong, those things are valid and important. But when they are built on selfish desires all we are doing is filling ourselves up with more that does not have the basis of meaning and purpose. The Book of Ecclesiastes explains this in chapters 5&6. The foundation of our fulfillment or abundance, needs to be Jesus Christ. There is no getting around that fact. Jesus is the life. “I am the way the truth and life. No one comes to the Father, except through me”. John 14:6 He is the source of life. He is the way of life. He is the truth of life. He is the abundance of life. So, I challenge you to really sit down and reflect on what exactly is abundant in your life. Chances are there are things in your life that are really good. Chances are there are things in your life that you need to do without. The consequences of choosing abundant life are moving away from being fulfilled with empty things and living the richness of abundance Jesus talks about in the Book of John. If you are ready to get rid of those things that weigh you down, then be warned this means that letting go of some things will be difficult. However, it’s good work. It’s healthy work to finally address these issues with Jesus by your side. After all, that’s what He is waiting and wanting to do.
Jesus came to this earth, lived a perfect life, was accused of all kinds of wrong he didn’t commit, was beaten, bled, was humiliated, hung up on a cross to die, was separated from His Father, died, was buried, and finally rose again for a greater purpose than His glory! Imagine that! He did all that for this reason: so that you and I can have an abundant life. Not a regular every day no purpose life. Not a life that’s filled with same old stuff. Not a life of let me just get through the day. He did not live perfectly and suffer greatly and be exalted because He wanted to. He did all that for us to have everlasting abundant life. That everlasting abundant life starts now. Our eternity begins when we accept Him into our hearts. The abundant life He wants for us is for the here and now and it is very possible for us to live a life of purpose, and blessings and abundance. Let’s put away the mundane. Let’s walk away from the ordinary life and even the negative life. Let’s walk into the abundance that He came to this earth to make sure we got. This one sentence from Jesus has a lot of implications for our lives today. Are you ready to choose abundance? Are you ready to bring your life to the next level? Are you ready to allow Jesus’ promises be fulfilled in your life?

Be blessed.

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